Thursday, November 4, 2010

Autumn - night night trees

Myself and L were taking a walk the other day. We were walking through some trees and the ground was covered in leaves, all in beautiful colours. I was admiring them and we were looking at the colours, so I started to explain autumn to L. I was aiming for an explanation a tiny girl could understand, so I told her that the trees go to sleep for the winter, so they loose their leaves and grow new ones in the spring. She considered this for a few minutes, then looked up and said 'night, night trees'.

As if that wasn't cute enough, she then turned to me, all concerned, and said 'bottle, book?' How could the trees get to sleep without a bottle and a book? In order to help I started reciting her bedtime story, Good Night Moon, but I was very quickly told 'No, no Mammy, tree book', obviously trees need a bedtime story about trees!

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